Contact Us

Empowering entrepreneurs and businesses with the know-how to crush it in the real world

Want to Collaborate with Eightception? Sweet!

Hey, content creators, bloggers, SEO agencies, marketing bosses, and business owners!

Eightception is all about empowering entrepreneurs and businesses with the know-how to crush it in the real world.
While we love wrapping up our own brand with kick-ass content, we’re also open to a good collab – as long as it makes sense for our amazing audience.

Here’s the Deal (aka Our Super-Chill Content Guidelines, with a Side of Seriously):

  • Our Audience Comes First (No, Seriously): Here’s a truth bomb: we don’t care about irrelevant sponsored posts just to have another 500 bucks in our pockets. The priority is delivering awesome content that helps solopreneurs, startup founders, and SMBs win. Period.

  • No Jargon: Seriously, ditch the buzzwords and corporate mumbo jumbo. We speak human here. (Well, mostly human.)

  • Want a Review? Buckle Up: Software, product, you name it – our team dives in. Expect honest reviews with all the good, the bad, and the “Wait, what?” Let’s call it a test drive for truth.

  • Transparency is Key: We’re upfront with our audience about collabs. If it’s a content exchange or sponsored gig, we’ll let ’em know. No shady business here.

  • Quality Over Everything: Crafted a masterpiece? Awesome! We’ll give it a read and may suggest a tweak or two to make sure it shines on our platform. If it’s genuinely awesome, aligns with our audience, and makes us wanna shout from the rooftops – hey, we’re happy to talk discounts.

  • Let’s Make Some Noise: Collaboration means cross-promotion! We’ll spread the love (and links) on our social channels and newsletters.

  • Cut to the Chase: We’re all busy. Requests with specific details will raise the chances that we’ll get back to you faster.
    So, when you reach out, let’s be clear about what you need:

    • What’s the brand you’re promoting?

    • Sponsored post or content exchange?

    • Permanent or temporary post? Home page feature? For how long?

    • Dofollow links?

    • Series of posts?

    • (we’re gonna ask these questions from you anyway, so why not saving each other’s time)

Oh, and One Last Thing…

We’re all about that long-term relationship (content-wise, that is).
The more, the merrier! (Just kidding, we’re still picky. Quality first, always.)

Ready to rock the content world (the right way)? Let’s do this! Hit us up via email below.

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